1. 1〔音〕
    • 新しい靴がきゅうきゅう鳴る
    • My new shoes squeak.
  1. 2〔押し付ける様子〕
    • 彼女は帯をきゅうきゅうに締め上げた
    • She tied the obi very tightly around her waist.
    • 満員電車にきゅうきゅう詰め込まれた
    • I was squeezed into the packed train.
  1. 3〔苦しい様子〕
    • 毎日きゅうきゅうした生活です
    • I live from hand to mouth./I eke out a hand-to-mouth existence.
    • テスト責めできゅうきゅう言っている
    • I'm rushing madly to prepare for one exam after another.
    • 金もうけに汲々する
    • be intent [《口》 hell-bent] on making money
    • 彼は売名に汲々としている
    • He can think of nothing but publicity.
  1. 救急医療サービス(an) emergency medical service ((略 EMS))
  1. 救急医療体制the emergency medical-care system
  1. 救急救命士a paramedic; an emergency medical technician ((略 EMT))
  1. 救急車an ambulance
    • 救急車を呼ぶ
    • call an ambulance
    • 救急車で運ぶ
    • take a person (to the hospital) in an ambulance
  1. 救急処置first aid
    • けが人に救急処置を施す
    • give [administer] first aid to an injured person
  1. 救急隊a rescue squad [team; unit]
  1. 救急箱a first-aid kit
  1. 救急病院an emergency hospital
  1. 救急法(knowledge of) first aid

