1. the bottom [bed] of the sea; the ocean floor; the seabed

    海底の seabed

    • 海底に沈む
    • sink [go down] to the bottom of the sea
    • 海底の藻くずと消える
    • be swallowed by the sea
  1. 海底火山a submarine volcano ((複 ~es, ~s))
  1. 海底ケーブルa submarine cable
    • 海底ケーブルを敷設する
    • lay a submarine cable
  1. 海底採鉱seabed mining
  1. 海底地震a submarine earthquake
  1. 海底探検seabed exploration
  1. 海底電信submarine telegraphy
    • 海底電信で
    • by cable
  1. 海底動物[植物]ocean-floor organisms
  1. 海底トンネルan undersea tunnel
  1. 海底油田a submarine oil field

