1. 1〔そっとのぞく〕peep ((into))
    • 私は戸の透き間から部屋の中をうかがった
    • I peeped into the room through the narrow opening between the doors.
  1. 2〔そっとさぐる〕
    • 彼女はそっと夫の顔色をうかがった
    • She furtively studied her husband's facial expression./She cast a covert glance at her husband's expression.
    • 彼はいつも上司の鼻息をうかがっていた
    • He was always trying to please his superiors.
    • 成り行きをうかがってから行動しよう
    • Let's see which way the wind is blowing before we take action.
  1. 3〔機会をねらう〕look for; be on the lookout for
    • 彼は反撃の機会をうかがっていた
    • He was looking for a chance to counterattack.
    • ボクサーは相手をノックアウトしようとすきをうかがった
    • The boxer was looking for an opening so that he could knock out his opponent.
  1. 4〔察知する〕guess; infer; gather; surmise
    • 何か重大事が起きたということは彼らの様子からうかがわれた
    • 「It could be gathered [I could guess] from their looks that something serious had happened.
    • 彼女の言葉遣いから育ちのよさがうかがわれる
    • Her manner of speaking shows that she is well-bred.

