1. I
  1. 1〔衣装をつけさせる〕
    • 子供に服を着せる
    • dress a child
    • 手伝って娘に着物を着せた
    • I helped my daughter put on her kimono.
    • 彼は妻に毛皮のコートを着せてやれたらなあと思った
    • He wished he could buy a fur coat for his wife.
    • お年寄に上着を着せてあげた
    • I helped the old man into his coat.
  1. 2〔かぶせる〕
    • うたた寝している子に毛布を着せてやった
    • I put a blanket over the sleeping child.
    • そのメダルには金が着せてある
    • The medal is gold-plated.
  1. II〔人に責任を負わせる〕
    • 人に罪を着せる
    • charge a person with a crime/lay the blame for a crime on a person/fasten a crime on [upon] a person
    • 彼は汚名を着せられた
    • He had his reputation stained./His name was blackened.
    • 彼は何かにつけ私に恩を着せた
    • He kept reminding me of my indebtedness to him.
  1. I〔パイプ〕a pipe; an Oriental pipe (with a long straight shank and a small bowl)
    • キセルに火をつける
    • light a pipe
    • キセルに刻みたばこを詰める
    • fill a pipe with shredded tobacco
  1. II〔不正乗車〕
    • キセルをする
    • cheat on one's train fare by buying (commuter) passes covering only the first and last portions of one's journey

